My new book, Germany’s Aim at World Domination: Czechoslovakia, Volume Two, has just been published and is available at Amazon in paperback ($16.99), and an electronic version on Kindle ($3.99).
Hitler, not satisfied with taking over Austria (Volume 1) and part of Czechoslovakia, breaks his promises and overruns the rest of Czechoslovakia but Britain’s Prime Minister declines to intervene. When Hitler then also attacks Poland, Britain and France finally declare war but do little else. However, Poland with its horse cavalry fights on heroically by itself, but is no match for the highly mechanized German Army tanks, artillery, and Luftwaffe Air Force Stukas. Poland is quickly overrun. This is the second of three volumes of Hitler’s attempt to dominate Eastern Europe. Germany’s Aim at World Domination: Austria, Volume One, is available at Amazon as a hard cover ($13.99), paperback ($6.99), and an electronic version on Kindle ($2.99).
This is the true story of Hitler’s determination to dominate first Europe and then the world, thinking nothing of violating his word of honor and lying when it was to his advantage. Well-known personalities defied Hitler and escaped Austria and the concentration camps. Sigmund Freud, a famous psychologist, researcher, author, and a Jew, fled Austria at the last minute after his books were burned by the Nazis and he was in danger of being thrown into a concentration camp; and Captain Georg .von Trapp, who refused to serve as a submarine captain in Hitler’s navy and had to flee Austria with his family, the von Trapp Family Singers (made famous in the movie, The Sound of Music), eventually making it to America. The Chancellor of Austria, Kurt von Schuschnigg, bravely defied Hitler and ended up in a concentration camp when the German Army overran Austria. This is the first volume of Hitler’s attempt to dominate Eastern Europe. ![]() How German Jews who escaped Hitler and the Holocaust helped the U.S. Army defeat Hitler and the German military machine. A true story!
German Jews who could, escaped Germany and the extermination frenzy of Hitler against the Jews. They had lost relatives—murdered by the Nazis-- and fled to America. They would not forget! Those men that made it to America were drafted into the U.S. Army. Many of them were ordered to Camp Ritchie and its Military Intelligence Center because of their ability to speak native German. Intensively trained to use their native language abilities, they became known as the “Ritchie Boys.” These Ritchie Boys were trained to interrogate German prisoners of war to obtain current battlefield information and plans to help the Army commanders anticipate the German military moves and defeat them; they translated and interpreted German documents taken off prisoners and dead Germans reflecting current German military thinking. They risked their lives sneaking behind the German lines to capture prisoners and documents. They turned out to be a tremendous asset to Generals like George Patton, commander of the Third Army, and John Gavin, commander of the 82nd Airborne Division. The Ritchie Boys did not avoid danger, and many lost their lives in the war against--and defeating--the Nazis. If captured by the Germans, they were summarily executed. A signed paperback book is $12 plus $3 postage, if any. Or you can order it on Amazon, B&N, or the publisher, AuthorHouse, for a buck more, or read the kindle electronic version). You can order Revenge of the Ritchie Boys from me at [email protected] or by calling 239-514-2602 or send me a check with your postal address to: Carl Steinhouse, 1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Unit 705, Naples, FL, 34110. LIVING HISTORY-THE WAR UNDER THE WAVES Britain declared war on Nazi Germany after Hitler invaded Poland on the flimsiest of pretexts. Britain was soon in trouble discovering just how powerful the German U-boat fleet was. Churchill turned to President Roosevelt who, unfortunately, was hamstrung by his isolationist Congress. But the president was a determined man who realized if Britain lost the war, America would be in trouble. So he engaged in all sorts of trickery to aid the British Island economy, which depended on ocean shipping for its food, supplies and fuel. So he “lent” the British destroyers, war supplies and food with the promise they would return it all after the war. The story details how Britain’s lifeline of shipping was threatened by a very strong German submarine fleet and Britain had to fight the battle under the waves of the Atlantic alone to survive, detecting, depth charging and ramming the enemy submarines, until the United States entered the war and together with Britain, defeated Hitler and the Axis powers with superior naval strategy, more ships that the Germans could produce, greater technological submarine detection advances, brave confrontations by our navies and merchant marines, and the production of huge amounts of planes and war materiel, while the United States, at the same time , dealt with Japan in the war in the Pacific. The book is a big one. It costs $20.99 on Amazon and ordering it from me, it is $20 postage paid. ou can obtain the paperback from Amazon, B&N, or the publisher, AuthorHouse, for about $19 ($3.99 for a kindle electronic version) or I can send you a signed paperback copy for $18, which includes postage. You can order from me at [email protected] or by calling 239-514-2602, or send me a check with your postal address to: Carl Steinhouse, 1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Unit 705, Naples, FL, 34110. LIVING HISTORY - THE PACIFIC WAR
Volume III picks up the Pacific War with the invasion of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, battles with very high American casualties, plus the Japanese kamikazes, the suicide pilots, were taking a heavy toll on American ships and sailors supporting the assaults. At this time, President Franklin Roosevelt had just died and Harry Truman took over. The military leaders broke the news to him that we had developed a bomb that could wipe out cities and it was about to be tested in a New Mexico desert.
Truman, no wallflower as it turns out, took the bull by the horns and carefully considered his next step. Should we use the bomb and thereby wipe out 100,000 people, civilian and military, in one blow? Truman looked at the casualty figures at Iwo Jima and Okinawa; he looked at the kamikazes killing a large number of our sailors. He obtained the military estimates of up to one million American casualties if we had to invade the main Japanese islands. I did not take him long to decide: if the test in the New Mexico desert is successful, we'll use the atomic bomb. It was successful and he authorized the dropping of an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. In the meantime, the Japanese military held sway over the civilian leaders and insisted on continuing the war in a fight to the death, even riding roughshod over Emperor Hirohito who had expressed the desire for peace. The bomb dropped on Hiroshima did not do it. The military leaders dug their heels in and refused to consider surrendering. So Truman authorized the dropping of a second atomic bomb. The bomb was dropped on Nagasaki and that did it. Emperor Hirohito insisted on surrendering and planned to announce it to the people the next day. Conspiracies abounded trying to stop him but none were successful. Japan surrendered and now Truman had to select a supreme commander for the occupation. Truman selected General Douglas MacArthur because he felt the Japanese deserved that egotistical blowhard, who was presently still fighting in the Philippines because of his insistence of liberating every damn Filipino island, as a matter of honor. Surprisingly, Truman's choice turned out to be a great one. MacArthur, it seems, knew and understood the Japanese mind better than anyone and impressed them by landing in Japan unarmed accompanied by unarmed officers and troops. This impressed the Japanese greatly. The American did not come in raping and killing their citizens as the Japanese military had warned, but generously provided food and goods. MacArthur insisted on women's rights and installed a democratic system of government, which continues to this day--and as a good friend of the Americans. You can obtain the paperback from Amazon, B&N, or the publisher, Authorhouse, for about $19 ($3.99 for a kindle electronic version) or I can send you a signed paperback copy for $18, which includes postage. You can order from me at [email protected] or by calling 239-514-2602, or send me a check with your postal address to: Carl Steinhouse, 1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Unit 705, Naples, FL, 34110. Volume II of the Pacific War, Nimitz's Bypass has been published and is available! |
Volume II picks up the war in the Pacific in 1943, just after Admiral Yamamoto died when his aircraft was shot down by American warplanes. At this point, American submarines begin inflicting heavy damage on Japanese shipping, cutting into food and war materiel supplies, while the Marines and Army invade the Gilbert Islands.
In November 1943, American forces, with heavy casualties, take Tarawa. After that, Admiral Nimitz, commander of the naval forces in the Pacific, decides to save lives with a new strategy to bypass many islands that are strongly fortified by the Japanese and simply blockade them to deprive those troops of supplies and food and let them "die on the vine." He'd attack only those islands he needed for airfields and harbors as American forces closed in Japan.
President Roosevelt publicly announces his demand for "unconditional surrender" by Japan, and Japanese troops dig in to fight to the death as American forces attack the Solomon and Marshall Islands, creeping ever closer to Japan, while MacArthur's forces attack New Guinea.
In June 1944, American forces invade the Mariana Islands of Saipan and Tinian, and later, Peleliu. With these islands secure, American bombers, the brand new B-29 Super Flying Fortresses, can reach the Japanese mainland. But the cost in American lives is high, particularly on Saipan and Peleliu as fighting becomes a vicious, hand-to-hand, no-holds barred affair.
An American pilot, who would later become famous, is rescued by submarine, after he crash lands in the sea.
Order an signed copy of “Nimitz's Bypass” directly from the author at [email protected] for $14 (includes shipping and handling-U.S. orders) or by sending a check for $14 together with your name and address to:
Carl Steinhouse
1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Suite 705
Naples, Florida 34110
“Nimitz's Bypass” also available online at AMAZON.COM, B&, or AUTHORHOUSE.COM by clicking on the appropriate link, or at other bookstores.
The book is available on KINDLE and NOOK!
Copyright 2020 Carl L. Steinhouse
The author is now working on Volume III, which continues the American troop advances, island by island, and inflicts heavy bombing damage on Japanese cities and industries while President Roosevelt dies and his successor Harry Truman must decide whether to use the newly developed atom bomb, or continue with plans to invade the Japanese mainland with expected very heavy loss of American lives.
Volume IV will cover the surrender and occupation of Japan.
Carl Steinhouse’s living history series on the Pacific War is a four volume account of World War II in the Pacific.
Volume I:
Yamamoto's Dilemma
This Japanese planned the attack on Pearl Harbor but warned Japan could not win the war. They did not listen to him. And American Admiral Nimitz saw to it that they did not win!
Volume I:
Yamamoto's Dilemma
This Japanese planned the attack on Pearl Harbor but warned Japan could not win the war. They did not listen to him. And American Admiral Nimitz saw to it that they did not win!
Yamamoto’s Dilemma is available for purchase.
This is Volume I of a planned trilogy of World War Two, the Pacific war.
During my research, I came across this fabulous character, Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, a small man in stature but gigantic as a strategist. You may remember him because he planned the very successful attack on Pearl Harbor. This same Yamamoto had spent many years in the United States as a Japanese naval attaché, including a stint at Harvard University. He got to know and like Americans. He could also speak flawless English, learning to speak it at an American college.
Since America built up her navy in the Pacific Ocean early in the Twentieth Century, many of the Japanese military looked upon it with suspicion and began planning for a war with the United States that they felt must inevitably come.
And come it did when in protest of Japanese military expansion in southeast Asia, President Roosevelt cut off vital supplies of fuel oil, rubber and scrap metal to raw material-poor Japan. Leaders of Japan decided they must go to war and called on their brilliant Admiral Yamamoto to plan the surprise attack.
Yamamoto decided the most damage he could do was a sudden air attack on Pearl Harbor, where the United States Navy kept most of its fleet moored on the weekends while its sailors partied. But Yamamoto warned his superiors, not to do it! Japan, he told them, could not win a war with America. Oh, after the surprise attack, Japan would do well for 6 months and maybe even up to a year, but not after that, after the American industrial base had geared up, turning out far more planes, weapons, tanks, and materiel than Japan could ever hope to match and, with a much larger population, turn out many more soldiers, sailors and airmen.
They simply ignored Yamamoto’s warnings and, with his planning, went to war with the United States. Yamamoto, ever loyal to his beloved Emperor, tried his best on behalf of his nation. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a huge success, except for the fact that none of the American carriers were in Pearl at the time. The Japanese sank mainly all the old battleships.
Unfortunately for Japan, America had resources the Japanese never dreamed of. The U.S. Navy had a brilliant code-breaking team at Pearl Harbor which permitted the aggressive Admiral Nimitz, now commander of the Pacific Fleet, to ambush the Japanese fleet trying to invade Midway Island, with the result that Japan lost many ships, including aircraft carriers; the first defeat ever for the Japanese Navy in its history. As Yamamoto predicted, within six months to a year, the Americans would be on the offensive—and they had the aggressive admirals to do it, too, in Admirals Nimitz, King, Spruance, Halsey and Mitscher!
By mid-1942, Americans had already invaded Guadalcanal and by the end of the year the Japanese fled that island. America was beginning to island hop its way to Japan. Japan fought hard and gave the Americans many a bloody nose. But despite Yamamoto’s brilliance, his enemy’s advances seemed unstoppable.
Order asigned copy of “Yamamoto's Dilemma” directly from the author at [email protected] for $14 (includes shipping and handling-U.S. orders) or by sending a check for $14 together with your name and address to:
Carl Steinhouse
1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Suite 705
Naples, Florida 34110
“Yamamoto's Dilemma” also available online at AMAZON.COM, B&, or, by clicking on the appropriate link, or at other bookstores.
The book is available on KINDLE and NOOK!
Copyright 2019 Carl L. Steinhouse
This is Volume I of a planned trilogy of World War Two, the Pacific war.
During my research, I came across this fabulous character, Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, a small man in stature but gigantic as a strategist. You may remember him because he planned the very successful attack on Pearl Harbor. This same Yamamoto had spent many years in the United States as a Japanese naval attaché, including a stint at Harvard University. He got to know and like Americans. He could also speak flawless English, learning to speak it at an American college.
Since America built up her navy in the Pacific Ocean early in the Twentieth Century, many of the Japanese military looked upon it with suspicion and began planning for a war with the United States that they felt must inevitably come.
And come it did when in protest of Japanese military expansion in southeast Asia, President Roosevelt cut off vital supplies of fuel oil, rubber and scrap metal to raw material-poor Japan. Leaders of Japan decided they must go to war and called on their brilliant Admiral Yamamoto to plan the surprise attack.
Yamamoto decided the most damage he could do was a sudden air attack on Pearl Harbor, where the United States Navy kept most of its fleet moored on the weekends while its sailors partied. But Yamamoto warned his superiors, not to do it! Japan, he told them, could not win a war with America. Oh, after the surprise attack, Japan would do well for 6 months and maybe even up to a year, but not after that, after the American industrial base had geared up, turning out far more planes, weapons, tanks, and materiel than Japan could ever hope to match and, with a much larger population, turn out many more soldiers, sailors and airmen.
They simply ignored Yamamoto’s warnings and, with his planning, went to war with the United States. Yamamoto, ever loyal to his beloved Emperor, tried his best on behalf of his nation. The attack on Pearl Harbor was a huge success, except for the fact that none of the American carriers were in Pearl at the time. The Japanese sank mainly all the old battleships.
Unfortunately for Japan, America had resources the Japanese never dreamed of. The U.S. Navy had a brilliant code-breaking team at Pearl Harbor which permitted the aggressive Admiral Nimitz, now commander of the Pacific Fleet, to ambush the Japanese fleet trying to invade Midway Island, with the result that Japan lost many ships, including aircraft carriers; the first defeat ever for the Japanese Navy in its history. As Yamamoto predicted, within six months to a year, the Americans would be on the offensive—and they had the aggressive admirals to do it, too, in Admirals Nimitz, King, Spruance, Halsey and Mitscher!
By mid-1942, Americans had already invaded Guadalcanal and by the end of the year the Japanese fled that island. America was beginning to island hop its way to Japan. Japan fought hard and gave the Americans many a bloody nose. But despite Yamamoto’s brilliance, his enemy’s advances seemed unstoppable.
Order asigned copy of “Yamamoto's Dilemma” directly from the author at [email protected] for $14 (includes shipping and handling-U.S. orders) or by sending a check for $14 together with your name and address to:
Carl Steinhouse
1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Suite 705
Naples, Florida 34110
“Yamamoto's Dilemma” also available online at AMAZON.COM, B&, or, by clicking on the appropriate link, or at other bookstores.
The book is available on KINDLE and NOOK!
Copyright 2019 Carl L. Steinhouse
Carl Steinhouse’s living history series on the Holocaust (Shoah) contains the books:
“Heroes or Villains?" (2016)
“The Outfielder” (2011)
“We Shall Be Called Israel!” (2010)
“Wily Fox” (2008)
“Barred” (2007)
“Improbable Heroes” (2005)
“Righteous and Courageous” (2004)
“Wallenberg is Here!” (2002)
“Heroes or Villains?" (2016)
“The Outfielder” (2011)
“We Shall Be Called Israel!” (2010)
“Wily Fox” (2008)
“Barred” (2007)
“Improbable Heroes” (2005)
“Righteous and Courageous” (2004)
“Wallenberg is Here!” (2002)
Carl Steinhouse's Heroes or Villains?
The true story of saving Jews in occupied France where there were heroes and villains and sometimes, you could not tell the difference
The true story of saving Jews in occupied France where there were heroes and villains and sometimes, you could not tell the difference
ISBN: 978-1524643737 Cover: Paul Josowitz
Heroes or villains? The true story of the Holocaust in France that started when France surrendered to the Germans and Marshal Henri Philippe Pétain arrived to form, under the German watch, a petty French dictatorship, the Vichy government, with these Vichy villains intent on assisting the short-handed Germans (who lacked the manpower to round up the Jews because Hitler's troops had been thrown into the war on the Soviet Front) by using French police to round up the Jews in France and turn them over to the Nazi murderers. In this exciting true story of how heroes from other countries faced up to the Germans and Vichy, risking their lives to help hide or spirit Jews out of France; heroes like the American volunteers like Varian Fry and the Sharps, and American Consul Hiram Bingham in Lyon, and heroes like French pastors, bishops, monks, nuns, the French Résistance and Jewish underground. These, then, are some of their stories. And you, the reader will have to parse out who are the heroes, the villains, or have both characteristics.
Order “Heroes or Villains?” directly from the author at [email protected] for $18 (includes shipping and handling-U.S. orders) or by sending a check for $18 together with your name and address to:
Carl Steinhouse
1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Suite 705
Naples, Florida 34110
“Heroes or Villains?” also available online at publisher, AuthorHouse, or at AMAZON.COM, B& by clicking on the appropriate link, or at other bookstores.
The book is available on KINDLE and NOOK for $3.99! Click on appropriate link!
Copyright 2011 Carl L. Steinhouse
Order “Heroes or Villains?” directly from the author at [email protected] for $18 (includes shipping and handling-U.S. orders) or by sending a check for $18 together with your name and address to:
Carl Steinhouse
1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Suite 705
Naples, Florida 34110
“Heroes or Villains?” also available online at publisher, AuthorHouse, or at AMAZON.COM, B& by clicking on the appropriate link, or at other bookstores.
The book is available on KINDLE and NOOK for $3.99! Click on appropriate link!
Copyright 2011 Carl L. Steinhouse
Carl Steinhouse's The Outfielder
Steinhouse’s first work of Holocaust fiction: How the dreadful secrets and lies of an Auschwitz survivor almost destroyed his American-born son, the outfielder that never was.
ISBN: 978-1-4670-6643-3 (e) 978-1-4670-6644-0 (sc) Cover art: Tom Cardamone, TCA Graphics
Based on a screenplay by Joseph A. Richman
Author’s comment: After writing six creative non-fiction books on the Holocaust and the birth of Israel, I decided to try my hand at fiction‒a novel about the Holocaust’s lingering effect not only on the survivors, but also on their descendants. The story fell in my lap, so to speak, when a journalist, who covered the events of my trip to Auschwitz for a genocide conference, later contacted me and asked if I would be interested in writing a novel based on his completed screenplay. I read the script, liked the story line, the characters, and the plot and most important, I saw this as a new challenge. I was ready for something different. Hence the reason for the co-authorship with the screenplay writer, Joe Richman. This is not a feel good book, though I suppose no book that deals with the Holocaust can be. But the book does hold out some hope for the future. And no, this is not a book about baseball. The sport, in its own way, becomes simply another casualty of the ripples of the Holocaust down through time.
As a child and a young man, baseball was Bernie Feld’s dream and passion‒to become a major league outfielder for the then Brooklyn Dodgers. Hardly the usual idle child’s daydream because Bernie was truly talented and, but for his father, could have had a baseball athletic scholarship to the college of his choice. But it was not to be. His father was a survivor‒an inmate doctor in the infamous Auschwitz. Bernie knew that, but not much more. He certainly did not learn then the horrible secret his father harbored; nor the reason his mother, also a survivor, abandoned Bernie at a young age.
His father, a tailor in the Garment Center in New York, absolutely forbade Bernie from pursuing the distraction of playing varsity baseball and accepting an athletic scholarship. Unrelentingly, he pushed Bernie into becoming a doctor, telling his son that he sacrificed his own chance for a medical career in America so that he could afford to send his son to a fine medical school to become a successful man of medicine just as he, his father, had been in Germany before the Gestapo sent him to Auschwitz Concentration Camp.
After what his father had been through, Bernie felt compelled to abandon his own passion and follow his father’s dream for him to become a doctor and that is precisely what Bernie accomplished. Dr. Bernard Feld was now an eminent psychiatrist in New York with a successful practice.
His father had died and Bernie financed the creation of a cemetery in Israel in his father’s name and memory. This benevolent act began the unraveling of Bernie’s life after a fateful meeting in New York with an Israeli Mossad agent. It caused Bernie to abandon suddenly his lucrative practice and his patients, and destroyed the budding relationship with the woman he thought he loved. He embarked on a frantic and secret quest to Israel to uncover the truth about his father, only hinted at by the Mossad man. But it was enough to send Bernie into a frenzy. Had his father lied to him? An old acquaintance of his father, an ostracized survivor and also doctor in Auschwitz, was exiled to Israel’s Judean Desert by the Israelis‒Bernie Feld did not know why. But this man may know the secret to uncovering his father’s past. This elderly doctor reluctantly revealed the horror of the brutal Gestapo roundup of Bernie’s father and his family, and the devastating facts about what his father did in Auschwitz as an inmate doctor. Unexpectedly, Bernie also discovered what had happened to his mother whom he thought abandoned him.
Bernie Feld now faced the daunting task of trying to put back together his shattered life and practice.
Order “The Outfielder” directly from the author at [email protected] for $16 (includes shipping and handling-U.S. orders) or by sending a check for $16 together with your name and address to:
Carl Steinhouse
1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Suite 705
Naples, Florida 34110
“The Outfielder” also available online at publisher, AuthorHouse, or at AMAZON.COM, B& by clicking on the appropriate link, or at other bookstores.
The book is available on KINDLE and NOOK for $3.99! Click on appropriate link!
Copyright 2011 Carl L. Steinhouse and Joseph A. Richman
Author’s comment: After writing six creative non-fiction books on the Holocaust and the birth of Israel, I decided to try my hand at fiction‒a novel about the Holocaust’s lingering effect not only on the survivors, but also on their descendants. The story fell in my lap, so to speak, when a journalist, who covered the events of my trip to Auschwitz for a genocide conference, later contacted me and asked if I would be interested in writing a novel based on his completed screenplay. I read the script, liked the story line, the characters, and the plot and most important, I saw this as a new challenge. I was ready for something different. Hence the reason for the co-authorship with the screenplay writer, Joe Richman. This is not a feel good book, though I suppose no book that deals with the Holocaust can be. But the book does hold out some hope for the future. And no, this is not a book about baseball. The sport, in its own way, becomes simply another casualty of the ripples of the Holocaust down through time.
As a child and a young man, baseball was Bernie Feld’s dream and passion‒to become a major league outfielder for the then Brooklyn Dodgers. Hardly the usual idle child’s daydream because Bernie was truly talented and, but for his father, could have had a baseball athletic scholarship to the college of his choice. But it was not to be. His father was a survivor‒an inmate doctor in the infamous Auschwitz. Bernie knew that, but not much more. He certainly did not learn then the horrible secret his father harbored; nor the reason his mother, also a survivor, abandoned Bernie at a young age.
His father, a tailor in the Garment Center in New York, absolutely forbade Bernie from pursuing the distraction of playing varsity baseball and accepting an athletic scholarship. Unrelentingly, he pushed Bernie into becoming a doctor, telling his son that he sacrificed his own chance for a medical career in America so that he could afford to send his son to a fine medical school to become a successful man of medicine just as he, his father, had been in Germany before the Gestapo sent him to Auschwitz Concentration Camp.
After what his father had been through, Bernie felt compelled to abandon his own passion and follow his father’s dream for him to become a doctor and that is precisely what Bernie accomplished. Dr. Bernard Feld was now an eminent psychiatrist in New York with a successful practice.
His father had died and Bernie financed the creation of a cemetery in Israel in his father’s name and memory. This benevolent act began the unraveling of Bernie’s life after a fateful meeting in New York with an Israeli Mossad agent. It caused Bernie to abandon suddenly his lucrative practice and his patients, and destroyed the budding relationship with the woman he thought he loved. He embarked on a frantic and secret quest to Israel to uncover the truth about his father, only hinted at by the Mossad man. But it was enough to send Bernie into a frenzy. Had his father lied to him? An old acquaintance of his father, an ostracized survivor and also doctor in Auschwitz, was exiled to Israel’s Judean Desert by the Israelis‒Bernie Feld did not know why. But this man may know the secret to uncovering his father’s past. This elderly doctor reluctantly revealed the horror of the brutal Gestapo roundup of Bernie’s father and his family, and the devastating facts about what his father did in Auschwitz as an inmate doctor. Unexpectedly, Bernie also discovered what had happened to his mother whom he thought abandoned him.
Bernie Feld now faced the daunting task of trying to put back together his shattered life and practice.
Order “The Outfielder” directly from the author at [email protected] for $16 (includes shipping and handling-U.S. orders) or by sending a check for $16 together with your name and address to:
Carl Steinhouse
1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Suite 705
Naples, Florida 34110
“The Outfielder” also available online at publisher, AuthorHouse, or at AMAZON.COM, B& by clicking on the appropriate link, or at other bookstores.
The book is available on KINDLE and NOOK for $3.99! Click on appropriate link!
Copyright 2011 Carl L. Steinhouse and Joseph A. Richman
How David Ben-Gurion, Chaim Weizmann, American school teacher Golda Meir, President Harry S. Truman, and a Kansas City haberdasher fostered the birth of the Jewish State, in the face of Arab violence and British Foreign Minister Bevin's fanatic obstructionism.
How David Ben-Gurion, Chaim Weizmann, American school teacher Golda Meir, President Harry S. Truman, and a Kansas City haberdasher fostered the birth of the Jewish State, in the face of Arab violence and British Foreign Minister Bevin's fanatic obstructionism.
Cover: Tom Cardemone, TCA Graphics
ISBN: 978-1-77067-077-8 (Hardcover); 978-1-77067-077-5; 978-1-77067-077-2 (E-Book)
ISBN: 978-1-77067-077-8 (Hardcover); 978-1-77067-077-5; 978-1-77067-077-2 (E-Book)
The exciting story of how the Jews ushered the State of Israel into being, in the face of violent opposition of the Arab armies and Palestinian Arab guerillas, and the implacable hostility and obstructive tactics of the British who were pandering to Arabs for their oil. Appreciate how, with only small arms and heroics, the Israelis desperately held off five Arab armies, which possessed modern heavy weapons; how the British not only blockaded the new state to prevent any arms from reaching the Jews while at the same time actually and brazenly supplying large quantities of heavy weapons and aircraft to the Arabs. How Jews in Israel and the United States, using guile and chutzpah, conspired to acquire heavy weapons in Europe and the United States (which prohibited weapons shipments to the Middle East)and ship them into Palestine in time to use in Israel’s defense, despite the British blockade and boycott. Learn how the Israelis defied the powerful British navy by secretly transporting into Palestine thousands of Jewish Holocaust survivors languishing in camps in Europe, in the face of the British government’s attempt to send these poor souls back to Germany, the scene of their persecution by Hitler; the fierce resistance put up by the unarmed refugee rescue ships (such as the Exodus), when discovered by the heavily armed British warships; how an American army colonel who liberated one of the death camps later offered his services to Israel and helped and save the Jews in Jerusalem. Read how Jewish Palestine leaders Ben Gurion, Chaim Weizmann, and former Milwaukee school teacher, Golda Meir, and others, overcame impossible odds to usher Israel into existence. Learn about a Jewish Kansas City haberdasher, an old partner and poker playing buddy of Harry Truman, who convinced the President to crucial recognition to the new state despite fierce objections of his own State Department; experience British Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin’s vicious schemes to prevent the new state from coming into existence. Author’s creative narrative of history puts you in the middle of the action.
What reviewers have said about this book:
“The exciting story of the birth of Israel. Steinhouse’s use of creative
narrative puts you right in the action and he pulls no punches.”
Fred Schwartz, founder and chairman, The Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation
“Steinhouse brings the facts alive through his own passion and storytelling skill.”
Dr. Philip L. Jason, Naples Press Club; Professor Emeritus of English, United
States Naval Academy
Order We Shall Be Called Israel directly from the author at [email protected] the softcover edition for $21 and $30 for the hardcover edition (includes shipping and handling-U.S. orders) or by sending a check and your name and address to:
Carl Steinhouse
1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Suite 705
Naples, Florida 34110
We Shall Be Called Israel also available online at publisher, FRIESEN PRESS, or at AMAZON.COM(softcover), AMAZON.COM (hardcover), and B& (hardcover), B& (paperback)by clicking on the appropriate link, or at other book stores.
We Shall Be Called Israel is available on KINDLE and NOOK for $9.99--click on appropriate link.
What reviewers have said about this book:
“The exciting story of the birth of Israel. Steinhouse’s use of creative
narrative puts you right in the action and he pulls no punches.”
Fred Schwartz, founder and chairman, The Auschwitz Institute for Peace and Reconciliation
“Steinhouse brings the facts alive through his own passion and storytelling skill.”
Dr. Philip L. Jason, Naples Press Club; Professor Emeritus of English, United
States Naval Academy
Order We Shall Be Called Israel directly from the author at [email protected] the softcover edition for $21 and $30 for the hardcover edition (includes shipping and handling-U.S. orders) or by sending a check and your name and address to:
Carl Steinhouse
1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Suite 705
Naples, Florida 34110
We Shall Be Called Israel also available online at publisher, FRIESEN PRESS, or at AMAZON.COM(softcover), AMAZON.COM (hardcover), and B& (hardcover), B& (paperback)by clicking on the appropriate link, or at other book stores.
We Shall Be Called Israel is available on KINDLE and NOOK for $9.99--click on appropriate link.
Carl Steinhouse's Wily Fox
Steinhouse’s fifth living history book on his series on the Holocaust, Wily Fox, is the exciting story of King Boris III of Bulgaria who, notwithstanding being an ally of Hitler and the Axis Powers in World War II, outmaneuvered and outwitted the German dictator, to save all of his country’s Jewish population, causing a frustrated Hitler to characterize Boris as a “wily fox.” His brilliant maneuvering, while saving his Jews, probably cost him his own life.
Steinhouse’s fifth living history book on his series on the Holocaust, Wily Fox, is the exciting story of King Boris III of Bulgaria who, notwithstanding being an ally of Hitler and the Axis Powers in World War II, outmaneuvered and outwitted the German dictator, to save all of his country’s Jewish population, causing a frustrated Hitler to characterize Boris as a “wily fox.” His brilliant maneuvering, while saving his Jews, probably cost him his own life.
Cover: Tom Cardemone, TCA Graphics ISBN 978-1-4389-2283-6
No government allied with, or occupied, by Germany, could withstand Hitler’s demands to give up their Jews for total extermination by the Nazis under the Final Solution. Well, that is not quite true, and that is the crux of Wily Fox. Little Bulgaria, allied with Hitler in World War II, did just that. This is the story of how King Boris III out maneuvered and outwitted Hitler and used Hitler’s own lies against him to protect Bulgaria’s Jews.
The life of King Boris holds its own fascination. Boris was fluent in many languages, including French, German, Italian, English, Turkish, Greek, and Russian. He was an expert in botany, zoology, and mechanical engines. He could repair most any vehicle and would often stop on the road to help a motorist with car trouble. He’d mingle with the common people, sometimes incognito. He had a natural curiosity and was friendly with everyone from all classes. The diminutive king, in exciting scenes, survived several assassination attempts by virtue of his own bravery and wiles. Hitler did not call him the Wily Fox for nothing!
When, at the height of World War II, the leaders of the Bulgarian church, the Metropolitans, and leaders of some political parties pressured the king to save Bulgaria’s Jews, it was obvious that Boris was not averse to doing so, although he had already surrendered the Jews from Trace and Macedonia, areas under his control. Be a witness to the terrors the Jews experienced at being rounded up for shipment to the killing camps in Germany and Poland
But there were also many government leaders and officials who were Nazis themselves and each tried to outdo the other to do Hitler’s bidding to round up the Jews of Bulgaria and ship them to the German concentration camps for extermination. This is the story of how the church leaders, some politicians, and some ordinary citizens, both physically and morally, and at the risk of their lives, thwarted the efforts of the Bulgarian Nazis in charge of rounding up the Jews.
However, all these efforts in Bulgaria would have come to naught if Boris could not continually put off Hitler’s demands to cough up his Jews. The story takes you, on several different occasions, into Hitler’s headquarters where the Fuhrer time and again confronts the Bulgarian king, who stands up to him, carefully explaining why he couldn’t release his Jews “just now” because they were needed for the war effort, actually building on Hitler’s own lies regarding the Jews and throwing back at him.
In a final confrontation scene, Hitler is unable to cower the small king with his hysterics and finally appears to resort to ordering his minions to take the king’s life.
© Copyright 2008 Carl L. Steinhouse
Review of Wily Fox
Abraham Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League, in a pre-publication review says, “In Wily Fox, Carl Steinhouse brings to his narrative a large and animated cast of historical Bulgarians who said ‘no’ to the Nazi killing machine, ‘no’ to the deportation trains and concentration camps, and ‘yes’ to its 48,000 Jews. Full of guile and decency, Boris did what few others dared: he defied Hitler. This is a moment in the annals of Holocaust history that bears constant retelling, and Steinhouse has brought it to remarkable life.”
Order “Wily Fox” directly from the author for $18 (includes shipping and handling) through email
at [email protected] or by sending a check and your name and address to:Carl Steinhouse
1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Suite 705
Naples, Florida 34110
Wily Fox also available online at publisher, AUTHORHOUSE, or at AMAZON.COM, and B&N,COM by clicking on the appropriate link, or at other book stores
Available on KINDLE and NOOK FOR $9.99! Click on appropriate link.
The life of King Boris holds its own fascination. Boris was fluent in many languages, including French, German, Italian, English, Turkish, Greek, and Russian. He was an expert in botany, zoology, and mechanical engines. He could repair most any vehicle and would often stop on the road to help a motorist with car trouble. He’d mingle with the common people, sometimes incognito. He had a natural curiosity and was friendly with everyone from all classes. The diminutive king, in exciting scenes, survived several assassination attempts by virtue of his own bravery and wiles. Hitler did not call him the Wily Fox for nothing!
When, at the height of World War II, the leaders of the Bulgarian church, the Metropolitans, and leaders of some political parties pressured the king to save Bulgaria’s Jews, it was obvious that Boris was not averse to doing so, although he had already surrendered the Jews from Trace and Macedonia, areas under his control. Be a witness to the terrors the Jews experienced at being rounded up for shipment to the killing camps in Germany and Poland
But there were also many government leaders and officials who were Nazis themselves and each tried to outdo the other to do Hitler’s bidding to round up the Jews of Bulgaria and ship them to the German concentration camps for extermination. This is the story of how the church leaders, some politicians, and some ordinary citizens, both physically and morally, and at the risk of their lives, thwarted the efforts of the Bulgarian Nazis in charge of rounding up the Jews.
However, all these efforts in Bulgaria would have come to naught if Boris could not continually put off Hitler’s demands to cough up his Jews. The story takes you, on several different occasions, into Hitler’s headquarters where the Fuhrer time and again confronts the Bulgarian king, who stands up to him, carefully explaining why he couldn’t release his Jews “just now” because they were needed for the war effort, actually building on Hitler’s own lies regarding the Jews and throwing back at him.
In a final confrontation scene, Hitler is unable to cower the small king with his hysterics and finally appears to resort to ordering his minions to take the king’s life.
© Copyright 2008 Carl L. Steinhouse
Review of Wily Fox
Abraham Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League, in a pre-publication review says, “In Wily Fox, Carl Steinhouse brings to his narrative a large and animated cast of historical Bulgarians who said ‘no’ to the Nazi killing machine, ‘no’ to the deportation trains and concentration camps, and ‘yes’ to its 48,000 Jews. Full of guile and decency, Boris did what few others dared: he defied Hitler. This is a moment in the annals of Holocaust history that bears constant retelling, and Steinhouse has brought it to remarkable life.”
Order “Wily Fox” directly from the author for $18 (includes shipping and handling) through email
at [email protected] or by sending a check and your name and address to:Carl Steinhouse
1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Suite 705
Naples, Florida 34110
Wily Fox also available online at publisher, AUTHORHOUSE, or at AMAZON.COM, and B&N,COM by clicking on the appropriate link, or at other book stores
Available on KINDLE and NOOK FOR $9.99! Click on appropriate link.
Carl Steinhouse's BARRED
Steinhouse’s fourth living history book on his series on the Holocaust, BARRED, is the story about how anti-Semites in the United States State Department, used every bit of bureaucratic red tape to bar the Jews of Europe, facing extermination, from emigrating to the United States, and used every device to hide the news of the murder of Jews or to assure Americans that such news was wild unsubstantiated rumor, not to be believed, thus negating a Polish hero’s risk of his life to bring out the truth and those of Jews who escaped Auschwitz to tell the world how the Germans were slaughtering Jews. To obstruct the granting of such visas, a secret State Department memo to its consul in Europe told them to use every administrative device to "postpone and postpone and postpone the granting of visas." Read about President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s failure to intercede with such State Department antics until finally, pressure from his wife Eleanor, and the threat of exposure and scandal by some in his administration, forced FDR, late in the war, to act to save lives.
Steinhouse’s fourth living history book on his series on the Holocaust, BARRED, is the story about how anti-Semites in the United States State Department, used every bit of bureaucratic red tape to bar the Jews of Europe, facing extermination, from emigrating to the United States, and used every device to hide the news of the murder of Jews or to assure Americans that such news was wild unsubstantiated rumor, not to be believed, thus negating a Polish hero’s risk of his life to bring out the truth and those of Jews who escaped Auschwitz to tell the world how the Germans were slaughtering Jews. To obstruct the granting of such visas, a secret State Department memo to its consul in Europe told them to use every administrative device to "postpone and postpone and postpone the granting of visas." Read about President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s failure to intercede with such State Department antics until finally, pressure from his wife Eleanor, and the threat of exposure and scandal by some in his administration, forced FDR, late in the war, to act to save lives.
Cover: Tom Cardemone, TCA Graphics ISBN: 978-1-4259-7627-9
Hitler started World War 2 on a pretext. In September 1939, the German SS, posing as Polish soldiers, staged a mock raid on a German border town. The SS dressed prisoners as Polish soldiers and shot them in cold blood, to make it appear that heroic German soldiers repulsed the “Polish” attack. Little did the world know that these ruthless murders were just the beginning of six long years of unabated slaughter of innocents under the color of law and government authority. This is the story of the Holocaust Hitler and his minions inflicted on Europeans, particularly the Jews, whom, as a matter of state policy, the Nazi intended to exterminate to the last man, woman and child. It is the story of heroes, both Jews and Gentiles who, under the thumb of the German oppressors, risked their lives to bring the news of the slaughter to the free world; it is the story of the men and women who tried to disseminate the word these people brought out of what was happening; it is the story of callous and venal politicians and government bureaucrats in the United States State Department‒and British Foreign Office‒who took every measure to conceal, downplay or outright deny what they knew was happening and they did it for various reasons including: placating the Arabs, wanting to prevent immigration of any nature to the free world by Jews, or simply trying to further anti-Semitic agendas. Barred! tells about an American president who, for political reasons, did nothing to change the situation, despite the urging of the first lady, until it was too late to save the bulk of the Jewish people in Europe; and it is the story of some other government officials, some private citizens, and the first lady, who together, exposed the conspiracy to keep the Holocaust a secret and European Jews out of the United States.
Jan Karski, a Polish army officer, brought first-hand information of the killings directly to President Roosevelt. After escaping capture by the Germans, he joined the Polish underground and, at the risk of his life, infiltrated the Warsaw Ghetto and the German death camps in order to be an eyewitness to the atrocities.
Jewish inmates in the concentration camps, assigned to strip the bodies of Jews killed in the gas chambers, executed daring escapes to bring out word of what the Germans were doing in the camps. One Jewish resistance fighter in Warsaw escaped to England, traveling through the heart of Germany, to alert the Allies of what the Germans were doing to the Jews and others. What he found was uncaring government bureaucrats who could not be moved to save Jews and so took his own life to shake conscience of the world.
A clique within the State Department, headed by Breckinridge Long, not only concealed the evidence of the extermination of the Jewish people, but also misled the American people and the president by denying what they knew was taking place. They schemed to have American diplomatic representatives in Europe deny visas to the Jews in danger of annihilation. The State Department instructed those consuls, in writing, to create such obstacles and delays that would make it impossible for Jews to meet requirements for emigration to the United States.
Jewish agency officials and American diplomats in Switzerland, and rabbis in the United States, worked together to overcome the anti-Semitic government bureaucracies to bring the evidence of the horrors perpetrated by the Germans to the attention of the free world.
Then there is the unending campaign by Eleanor Roosevelt, with some measure of success, to open the gates of America to the oppressed Jews, locking horns with the State Department bureaucrats and even her own husband. There were also some caring officials in the Treasury Department who, at the behest of Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, investigated and came up with the smoking gun evidence that exposed the State Department’s activities and forced the president, in 1944, to finally take steps to try to save what remained of European Jewry, steps that led to the establishment of the War Refugee Board and the sending of Raoul Wallenberg into Budapest to work his magic at saving Hungarian Jews.
Jewish and other nuclear scientists, who had managed to escape from Germany and German-occupied Europe, banded together to persuade a skeptical United States to engage in atomic bomb research. They used pacifist Albert Einstein, whom they convinced to write a letter to Roosevelt warning of Germany’s strides in developing a bomb capable of leveling a city, a letter which would spark the creation of the Manhattan Project and the building of an atomic bomb while German nuclear scientists were hamstrung for years by Hitler’s refusal to permit them to use Einstein’s theory of relativity in their research because it was “Jewish science.”
“Your new book about Roosevelt got a stranglehold on me in the first few pages. You are certainly a master at making history come alive and it is very hard to put the book down.” Lorie Mayer, Southwest Florida Holocaust Museum
“Carl L. Steinhouse is probably one of the best, if not THE best, self-published authors it has been my privilege to read. . . . Barred is an incredible tale of a world at war and a president facing the uncertainty of reelection in a country bent on isolationism. It’s also the story of the political ploys, posturing and backroom deals that served to place the lives of thousands of men, women and children in mortal jeopardy. Beyond this, it’s a fascinating and thought-provoking story, one that is made all the more terrifying because it is deeply rooted in fact. An outstanding novel by a very talented writer, Carl Steinhouse certainly deserves high fives for this one." Linda Fasulo, National Public Radio (NPR)
© Copyright 2007 Carl L. Steinhouse
Order “Barred” directly from the author for $20 (includes shipping and handling) through email to
[email protected] or by sending a check and your name and address to:
Carl Steinhouse
1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Suite 705
Naples, Florida 34110
BARRED available on KINDLE or NOOK FOR $9.99! Click on appropriate link.
BARRED also available online at publisher, AUTHORHOUSE, or at AMAZON.COM,and B&N.Com by clicking on the appropriate link, or at other book stores
Jan Karski, a Polish army officer, brought first-hand information of the killings directly to President Roosevelt. After escaping capture by the Germans, he joined the Polish underground and, at the risk of his life, infiltrated the Warsaw Ghetto and the German death camps in order to be an eyewitness to the atrocities.
Jewish inmates in the concentration camps, assigned to strip the bodies of Jews killed in the gas chambers, executed daring escapes to bring out word of what the Germans were doing in the camps. One Jewish resistance fighter in Warsaw escaped to England, traveling through the heart of Germany, to alert the Allies of what the Germans were doing to the Jews and others. What he found was uncaring government bureaucrats who could not be moved to save Jews and so took his own life to shake conscience of the world.
A clique within the State Department, headed by Breckinridge Long, not only concealed the evidence of the extermination of the Jewish people, but also misled the American people and the president by denying what they knew was taking place. They schemed to have American diplomatic representatives in Europe deny visas to the Jews in danger of annihilation. The State Department instructed those consuls, in writing, to create such obstacles and delays that would make it impossible for Jews to meet requirements for emigration to the United States.
Jewish agency officials and American diplomats in Switzerland, and rabbis in the United States, worked together to overcome the anti-Semitic government bureaucracies to bring the evidence of the horrors perpetrated by the Germans to the attention of the free world.
Then there is the unending campaign by Eleanor Roosevelt, with some measure of success, to open the gates of America to the oppressed Jews, locking horns with the State Department bureaucrats and even her own husband. There were also some caring officials in the Treasury Department who, at the behest of Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau, investigated and came up with the smoking gun evidence that exposed the State Department’s activities and forced the president, in 1944, to finally take steps to try to save what remained of European Jewry, steps that led to the establishment of the War Refugee Board and the sending of Raoul Wallenberg into Budapest to work his magic at saving Hungarian Jews.
Jewish and other nuclear scientists, who had managed to escape from Germany and German-occupied Europe, banded together to persuade a skeptical United States to engage in atomic bomb research. They used pacifist Albert Einstein, whom they convinced to write a letter to Roosevelt warning of Germany’s strides in developing a bomb capable of leveling a city, a letter which would spark the creation of the Manhattan Project and the building of an atomic bomb while German nuclear scientists were hamstrung for years by Hitler’s refusal to permit them to use Einstein’s theory of relativity in their research because it was “Jewish science.”
“Your new book about Roosevelt got a stranglehold on me in the first few pages. You are certainly a master at making history come alive and it is very hard to put the book down.” Lorie Mayer, Southwest Florida Holocaust Museum
“Carl L. Steinhouse is probably one of the best, if not THE best, self-published authors it has been my privilege to read. . . . Barred is an incredible tale of a world at war and a president facing the uncertainty of reelection in a country bent on isolationism. It’s also the story of the political ploys, posturing and backroom deals that served to place the lives of thousands of men, women and children in mortal jeopardy. Beyond this, it’s a fascinating and thought-provoking story, one that is made all the more terrifying because it is deeply rooted in fact. An outstanding novel by a very talented writer, Carl Steinhouse certainly deserves high fives for this one." Linda Fasulo, National Public Radio (NPR)
© Copyright 2007 Carl L. Steinhouse
Order “Barred” directly from the author for $20 (includes shipping and handling) through email to
[email protected] or by sending a check and your name and address to:
Carl Steinhouse
1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Suite 705
Naples, Florida 34110
BARRED available on KINDLE or NOOK FOR $9.99! Click on appropriate link.
BARRED also available online at publisher, AUTHORHOUSE, or at AMAZON.COM,and B&N.Com by clicking on the appropriate link, or at other book stores
The true story of how ordinary Italians and priests saved 85% of the Jews of Italy. How did the gentle friars of Assisi establish an underground railroad using vehicles provided unwittingly by the German military to ferry Jews over the front line to Allied-held territory and safely? What was the position of Pope Pius XII on the Holocaust? Were his cardinals acting against orders in ordering its churches, monasteries, and convents to hide Jews? How did Mussolini’s antics affect the fighting ability of not only the Italian army, but the Germans, as well? What’s the story on Mussolini’s sexual prowess and his Jewish mistress?
The true story of how ordinary Italians and priests saved 85% of the Jews of Italy. How did the gentle friars of Assisi establish an underground railroad using vehicles provided unwittingly by the German military to ferry Jews over the front line to Allied-held territory and safely? What was the position of Pope Pius XII on the Holocaust? Were his cardinals acting against orders in ordering its churches, monasteries, and convents to hide Jews? How did Mussolini’s antics affect the fighting ability of not only the Italian army, but the Germans, as well? What’s the story on Mussolini’s sexual prowess and his Jewish mistress?
Cover: Tom Cardamone, TCA Graphics., Inc. ISBN: 1-4208-6838-1
Pope Pius XI died hours before he planned to issue the just-completed encyclical condemning Hitler’s persecution of Jews. It never saw the light of day. The encyclical was scuttled by his successor, Pope Pius XII who, fearing for his fellow Catholics in Germany, elected to pursue a policy of silence. Yet the ambivalent Pope’s own Catholic Church in Italy had led the effort to save the Jews.
The book details the antics of the vainglorious, strutting and often delusional Mussolini who first swore to his Jewish mistress that he would never harm the Jews, but later, to ingratiate himself, copied Hitler’s anti-Semitic programs and laws. However, unlike the German citizens and clergy, the majority of Italians would not only refuse to participate in the persecution of the Jews, they would, at considerable risk to themselves, actively protect their Jewish brethren from Nazi attempts to exterminate them. Improbable Heroes is the true story of how most of the Italian Jews—and foreign Jews who, with the help of the Italian military, had fled into Italy to escape the Nazi onslaught—were saved by extraordinary acts of bravery by ordinary Italians and clergy.
Learn about the massacre at Ardeatine Caves, where the Germans, in reprisal for a partisan attack on an SS unit in Rome, and furious at their inability to round up significant numbers of Jews, slaughtered, under orders from Hitler, civilian men, woman and children who took no part in the attack.
After the German takeover, experience the terror of Italian and non-Italian Jewish families, routed out of their homes by the SS for extermination; discover how Italian citizens hid Jews and frustrated German attempts to find them; Catholic and Jewish artisans counterfeited false papers, baptismal certificates and ration cards; Catholic clergy concealed, disguised and spirited Jews out of anger areas, hiding Jews, dressed as priests and nuns, in convents, churches, abbeys, and even the Vatican. Gentle monks from Assisi escorted “pilgrims”—Jews and their rabbis dressed as clergy—through German lines to safety. Other Jews joined the partisans and fought alongside the Jewish Brigade from Palestine to kill German SS troops.
Read how an Austrian Jewish woman hiding in a convent dressed as a nun, brazenly walked into Gestapo headquarters posing as a German nun, and shamed the commander into releasing a priest and two boys they were about to execute; how non-Jewish and Jewish partisans staged daring raids on concentration camps to free Jewish inmates destined for extermination.
From the acts of these improbable heroes, over 85% of the Jews in Italy survived, a survival rate unmatched in any other German-occupied European country. This, then, is their proud story.
Reviews of Improbable Heroes:
Review on National Public Radio: In Improbable Heroes Steinhouse focuses on the real heroes and does so with an authenticity rare in historical fiction. . . . .Improbable Heroes is an exceptional work and one that is well worth reading, but more than that, it is a testament to ordinary people who through courage and determination and the belief in the sanctity human life managed to accomplish the impossible saving the lives of over eighty percent of Italy’s Jews.
Review in the Federation Star: “Steinhouse, with his background in criminal investigation and army counterintelligence, has again undertaken both very wide and deep research to provide us with an outstanding historical novel. . . 'Improbable Heroes' is a valuable addition to Holocaust and historic readings. It serves to educate as it entertains, and will find acceptance by readers of all ages.” Godfrey Levy
Review in the Naples Sun Times: “Steinhouse brings the facts alive through his own passion and storytelling skill. . . .'Righteous and Courageous' tells a less well known but equally thrilling story....'Improbable Heroes' dramatically reveals how 85 percent of Italy’s Jews were saved.” Philip K. Jason, Professor Emeritus of English from the United States Naval Academy
Review by former Federal Trade Commissioner: “Mr. Steinhouse has a gift of bringing to life the people he writes about . . . . Improbable Heroes is a book we all need to read to remind us of our human frailties, our capacity for evil and our capacity to put our own lives on the line when confronted with the imminent murder of our fellow human beings for no other sin that having another faith . . . “ Hon. Mary Gardiner Jones
Review in N Magazine: “In his latest book, Steinhouse focuses on these real heroes with an authenticity rare in the annals of historical fiction. Improbable Heroes is an exception work and one that is well worth reading.” Linda Fasulo, NPR
He was having a bad dream—at least that’s what Attilio Nathan thought until the screams wafting through the open window from the street below brought him to consciousness. He leaped out of bed. and ran to the window. In the predawn darkness he saw a man running down the street—he didn’t know him. The man shouted, “Jews, run, run, the Germans are here!” Nathan heard the crack of a weapon being fired—the man crumpled in the middle of the street.
Nathan stuck his head out. Down the street, Germans were lining up men, women and children against a wall. People were being pushed roughly out of the buildings, the German soldiers seemingly impervious to the heartbreaking pleas and screams. If anything, the noise seemed to make them more violent. A convoy of military trucks pulled up. The soldiers started prodding the people with their rifle butts to make them climb into the trucks. Children and infants were thrown in bodily if their parents did not move fast enough.
Momentarily transfixed by the brutal scene under his window, he suddenly sprang into action. “Get up, all of you,” he shouted at his family. “The roundup has started. We’ve got to get out of here!”
Rosa was already up and dressing. Nathan shook his fourteen-year-old son Michele, roughly. “Get up, this is no time for sleep. Our lives are in great danger!”
The three raced down the stairs. The Germans were already pounding on the front door. “It’s too late,” Rosa cried.
“No,” he whispered urgently. “Follow me.” Nathan pushed them into the storage room in the back of the building. He found a wooden crate and shoved it against the wall under a small window three feet above them. He could hear the front door crash in. The Germans were in the building.
“Hurry, out the window. I’ll give you a boost.” He cupped his hands around his wife’s foot and propelled her out of the window. He did the same for Michele. He heard the Germans approaching the storage room. With a burst of adrenaline he grabbed the windowsill and pulled himself up and through the window.
* * *
Across the Tiber, another informer prowled Corso Vittorio Emanuele looking for her next victim and another reward. The Black Panther, Celeste Di Porto, would approach a Jew she recognized and engage him in conversation. That was the signal to Gestapo agents waiting nearby that the person was a Jew and they would move in for the arrest. For this treachery the Gestapo paid her five thousand lire a head. By the end of the war she had identified more than fifty of her fellow Jews. All her victims were caught by these chance encounters with her on the streets.
The day was cold but bright. Squinting into the sun, the Black Panther, shaded her eyes with her hands. A block away, she spotted someone who looked familiar. She quickened her pace to be sure and pulled up alongside Lazzaro Anticoli. “Ciao, Lazzaro.”
Anticoli looked around at the sound of that sweet voice and stared into the pale blue eyes of the stunning Black Panther. He smiled. “Ciao, Celeste.” Just as quickly, three Gestapo agents closed in on him. He looked back to Celeste, whose broad smile infuriated him. “Why, Celeste?”
She shrugged. “It’s profitable. A girl, too, has to live in these terrible times.” She walked away as Anticoli felt the cold metal of the pistol pressed against his temple. Strong hands gripped both his arms. They shoved him roughly into the back seat of a black sedan.
* * *
The three military leaders and Ciano looked at the Duce in frosty silence. Mussolini scowled. “You are angry because you weren’t consulted. So be it. For your information, the secret of Hitler’s success has been that he, not his generals, makes the decisions and dictates the strategy. I intend to be the same kind of victorious commander-in-chief. Now that war is declared, I shall mount my horse and take command in the field of battle!”
[General] Badoglio could contain himself no longer. “This is suicide, Duce. Before you get your ass shot off on a white horse, you’d better realize that we have few arms, tanks or airplanes—not even shirts and shoes for our soldiers!”
Mussolini slammed his fist on the desk. “Enough!” he shouted. Then lowering his voice to a growl, he continued, “You are not calm enough to judge the situation. By September, this whole thing will be over. If I can have a few thousand dead Italians, then I will be able to sit at the peace conference as one of the victorious belligerents.”
* * *
“With all due respect, Holy Father, I think [German Ambassador] Weizsäcker was trying to warn us that unless you protest, these people will be deported and liquidated. I suggest we do protest to forestall German action.”
The pope sighed. “And you’d be wrong, Eminence. I know Hitler and his colleagues. I lived in Germany during their rise to power, and Rahn is absolutely correct. Any protest by me would almost certainly instigate greater atrocities here, in Germany and in the Eastern Territories. Believe me, I would not do those poor Jews a favor by speaking out.”
Cardinal Maglione [Vatican Secretary of State] shrugged, “I don’t know, Your Holiness . . .”
The pope stood up and paced around the study. “Do you recall that after Mussolini was deposed, our sources informed us that Hitler was so enraged that he planned to send SS troops to occupy the Vatican? That his generals only at the last minute had dissuaded him? Do you believe that?”
Cardinal Maglione nodded.
“Then I must assume that it would not take much for Hitler to change his mind again. My own safety is of no concern to me, but an occupied Vatican would not be much assistance to our fellow Catholics, much less to the Jews. Hitler, I am sure, would also take severe reprisals against our German Catholics.”
“I understand, Holy Father. Nevertheless, may I suggest that it is incumbent upon us to lend some helping hand to the Jews.”
The pope looked at Maglione. “I’ll leave that up to you. Help the Jews, but be discreet about it.”
© Copyright 2005 Carl L. Steinhouse
IMPROBABLE HEROES Available from author (see below) or online at publisher,AUTHORHOUSE, or at AMAZON.COM, and B&N.Com by clicking on the appropriate link. or
Order directly “Improbable Heroes “from the author for $18 (includes shipping and handling) through email at [email protected] or by sending a check for $18 and your name and address to:
Carl Steinhouse
1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Suite 705
Naples, Florida 34110
IMPROBABLE HEROES is available on KINDLE and NOOK FOR $9.99!
The book details the antics of the vainglorious, strutting and often delusional Mussolini who first swore to his Jewish mistress that he would never harm the Jews, but later, to ingratiate himself, copied Hitler’s anti-Semitic programs and laws. However, unlike the German citizens and clergy, the majority of Italians would not only refuse to participate in the persecution of the Jews, they would, at considerable risk to themselves, actively protect their Jewish brethren from Nazi attempts to exterminate them. Improbable Heroes is the true story of how most of the Italian Jews—and foreign Jews who, with the help of the Italian military, had fled into Italy to escape the Nazi onslaught—were saved by extraordinary acts of bravery by ordinary Italians and clergy.
Learn about the massacre at Ardeatine Caves, where the Germans, in reprisal for a partisan attack on an SS unit in Rome, and furious at their inability to round up significant numbers of Jews, slaughtered, under orders from Hitler, civilian men, woman and children who took no part in the attack.
After the German takeover, experience the terror of Italian and non-Italian Jewish families, routed out of their homes by the SS for extermination; discover how Italian citizens hid Jews and frustrated German attempts to find them; Catholic and Jewish artisans counterfeited false papers, baptismal certificates and ration cards; Catholic clergy concealed, disguised and spirited Jews out of anger areas, hiding Jews, dressed as priests and nuns, in convents, churches, abbeys, and even the Vatican. Gentle monks from Assisi escorted “pilgrims”—Jews and their rabbis dressed as clergy—through German lines to safety. Other Jews joined the partisans and fought alongside the Jewish Brigade from Palestine to kill German SS troops.
Read how an Austrian Jewish woman hiding in a convent dressed as a nun, brazenly walked into Gestapo headquarters posing as a German nun, and shamed the commander into releasing a priest and two boys they were about to execute; how non-Jewish and Jewish partisans staged daring raids on concentration camps to free Jewish inmates destined for extermination.
From the acts of these improbable heroes, over 85% of the Jews in Italy survived, a survival rate unmatched in any other German-occupied European country. This, then, is their proud story.
Reviews of Improbable Heroes:
Review on National Public Radio: In Improbable Heroes Steinhouse focuses on the real heroes and does so with an authenticity rare in historical fiction. . . . .Improbable Heroes is an exceptional work and one that is well worth reading, but more than that, it is a testament to ordinary people who through courage and determination and the belief in the sanctity human life managed to accomplish the impossible saving the lives of over eighty percent of Italy’s Jews.
Review in the Federation Star: “Steinhouse, with his background in criminal investigation and army counterintelligence, has again undertaken both very wide and deep research to provide us with an outstanding historical novel. . . 'Improbable Heroes' is a valuable addition to Holocaust and historic readings. It serves to educate as it entertains, and will find acceptance by readers of all ages.” Godfrey Levy
Review in the Naples Sun Times: “Steinhouse brings the facts alive through his own passion and storytelling skill. . . .'Righteous and Courageous' tells a less well known but equally thrilling story....'Improbable Heroes' dramatically reveals how 85 percent of Italy’s Jews were saved.” Philip K. Jason, Professor Emeritus of English from the United States Naval Academy
Review by former Federal Trade Commissioner: “Mr. Steinhouse has a gift of bringing to life the people he writes about . . . . Improbable Heroes is a book we all need to read to remind us of our human frailties, our capacity for evil and our capacity to put our own lives on the line when confronted with the imminent murder of our fellow human beings for no other sin that having another faith . . . “ Hon. Mary Gardiner Jones
Review in N Magazine: “In his latest book, Steinhouse focuses on these real heroes with an authenticity rare in the annals of historical fiction. Improbable Heroes is an exception work and one that is well worth reading.” Linda Fasulo, NPR
He was having a bad dream—at least that’s what Attilio Nathan thought until the screams wafting through the open window from the street below brought him to consciousness. He leaped out of bed. and ran to the window. In the predawn darkness he saw a man running down the street—he didn’t know him. The man shouted, “Jews, run, run, the Germans are here!” Nathan heard the crack of a weapon being fired—the man crumpled in the middle of the street.
Nathan stuck his head out. Down the street, Germans were lining up men, women and children against a wall. People were being pushed roughly out of the buildings, the German soldiers seemingly impervious to the heartbreaking pleas and screams. If anything, the noise seemed to make them more violent. A convoy of military trucks pulled up. The soldiers started prodding the people with their rifle butts to make them climb into the trucks. Children and infants were thrown in bodily if their parents did not move fast enough.
Momentarily transfixed by the brutal scene under his window, he suddenly sprang into action. “Get up, all of you,” he shouted at his family. “The roundup has started. We’ve got to get out of here!”
Rosa was already up and dressing. Nathan shook his fourteen-year-old son Michele, roughly. “Get up, this is no time for sleep. Our lives are in great danger!”
The three raced down the stairs. The Germans were already pounding on the front door. “It’s too late,” Rosa cried.
“No,” he whispered urgently. “Follow me.” Nathan pushed them into the storage room in the back of the building. He found a wooden crate and shoved it against the wall under a small window three feet above them. He could hear the front door crash in. The Germans were in the building.
“Hurry, out the window. I’ll give you a boost.” He cupped his hands around his wife’s foot and propelled her out of the window. He did the same for Michele. He heard the Germans approaching the storage room. With a burst of adrenaline he grabbed the windowsill and pulled himself up and through the window.
* * *
Across the Tiber, another informer prowled Corso Vittorio Emanuele looking for her next victim and another reward. The Black Panther, Celeste Di Porto, would approach a Jew she recognized and engage him in conversation. That was the signal to Gestapo agents waiting nearby that the person was a Jew and they would move in for the arrest. For this treachery the Gestapo paid her five thousand lire a head. By the end of the war she had identified more than fifty of her fellow Jews. All her victims were caught by these chance encounters with her on the streets.
The day was cold but bright. Squinting into the sun, the Black Panther, shaded her eyes with her hands. A block away, she spotted someone who looked familiar. She quickened her pace to be sure and pulled up alongside Lazzaro Anticoli. “Ciao, Lazzaro.”
Anticoli looked around at the sound of that sweet voice and stared into the pale blue eyes of the stunning Black Panther. He smiled. “Ciao, Celeste.” Just as quickly, three Gestapo agents closed in on him. He looked back to Celeste, whose broad smile infuriated him. “Why, Celeste?”
She shrugged. “It’s profitable. A girl, too, has to live in these terrible times.” She walked away as Anticoli felt the cold metal of the pistol pressed against his temple. Strong hands gripped both his arms. They shoved him roughly into the back seat of a black sedan.
* * *
The three military leaders and Ciano looked at the Duce in frosty silence. Mussolini scowled. “You are angry because you weren’t consulted. So be it. For your information, the secret of Hitler’s success has been that he, not his generals, makes the decisions and dictates the strategy. I intend to be the same kind of victorious commander-in-chief. Now that war is declared, I shall mount my horse and take command in the field of battle!”
[General] Badoglio could contain himself no longer. “This is suicide, Duce. Before you get your ass shot off on a white horse, you’d better realize that we have few arms, tanks or airplanes—not even shirts and shoes for our soldiers!”
Mussolini slammed his fist on the desk. “Enough!” he shouted. Then lowering his voice to a growl, he continued, “You are not calm enough to judge the situation. By September, this whole thing will be over. If I can have a few thousand dead Italians, then I will be able to sit at the peace conference as one of the victorious belligerents.”
* * *
“With all due respect, Holy Father, I think [German Ambassador] Weizsäcker was trying to warn us that unless you protest, these people will be deported and liquidated. I suggest we do protest to forestall German action.”
The pope sighed. “And you’d be wrong, Eminence. I know Hitler and his colleagues. I lived in Germany during their rise to power, and Rahn is absolutely correct. Any protest by me would almost certainly instigate greater atrocities here, in Germany and in the Eastern Territories. Believe me, I would not do those poor Jews a favor by speaking out.”
Cardinal Maglione [Vatican Secretary of State] shrugged, “I don’t know, Your Holiness . . .”
The pope stood up and paced around the study. “Do you recall that after Mussolini was deposed, our sources informed us that Hitler was so enraged that he planned to send SS troops to occupy the Vatican? That his generals only at the last minute had dissuaded him? Do you believe that?”
Cardinal Maglione nodded.
“Then I must assume that it would not take much for Hitler to change his mind again. My own safety is of no concern to me, but an occupied Vatican would not be much assistance to our fellow Catholics, much less to the Jews. Hitler, I am sure, would also take severe reprisals against our German Catholics.”
“I understand, Holy Father. Nevertheless, may I suggest that it is incumbent upon us to lend some helping hand to the Jews.”
The pope looked at Maglione. “I’ll leave that up to you. Help the Jews, but be discreet about it.”
© Copyright 2005 Carl L. Steinhouse
IMPROBABLE HEROES Available from author (see below) or online at publisher,AUTHORHOUSE, or at AMAZON.COM, and B&N.Com by clicking on the appropriate link. or
Order directly “Improbable Heroes “from the author for $18 (includes shipping and handling) through email at [email protected] or by sending a check for $18 and your name and address to:
Carl Steinhouse
1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Suite 705
Naples, Florida 34110
IMPROBABLE HEROES is available on KINDLE and NOOK FOR $9.99!
Japanese diplomat Chiune Sugihara risked life and career to save thousands of Jews in Lithuania from annihilation in 1940 by issuing, against orders, visas that permitted the Jews to escape prior to the German onslaught. Jews were admitted to Japan despite the protests of its German ally.
Yes, those Japanese of Pearl Harbor infamy saved Jews. To understand Japan’s respect for, and the gratitude to the Jews, the author takes us back to the Russo-Japanese War when a Jewish banker, incensed by the pogroms throughout Russia that killed hundreds of Jews, helped the Japanese defeat the Russians in 1905.
Japanese diplomat Chiune Sugihara risked life and career to save thousands of Jews in Lithuania from annihilation in 1940 by issuing, against orders, visas that permitted the Jews to escape prior to the German onslaught. Jews were admitted to Japan despite the protests of its German ally.
Yes, those Japanese of Pearl Harbor infamy saved Jews. To understand Japan’s respect for, and the gratitude to the Jews, the author takes us back to the Russo-Japanese War when a Jewish banker, incensed by the pogroms throughout Russia that killed hundreds of Jews, helped the Japanese defeat the Russians in 1905.
Yes, those Japanese of Pearl Harbor infamy saved Jews. To understand Japan’s respect for, and the gratitude to the Jews, the author takes us back to the Russo-Japanese War when a Jewish banker, incensed by the pogroms throughout Russia that killed hundreds of Jews, helped the Japanese defeat the Russians in 1905.
The true story of Japanese diplomat Chiune Sugihara who risked life and career to save thousands of Jews in Lithuania from annihilation in 1940 by issuing, against orders, visas that permitted the Jews to escape prior to the German onslaught. Jews were admitted to Japan despite the protests of its German ally.
After the Germans invaded and conquered Poland, tens of thousands of Polish Jews fled to Lithuania to escape the horrors of the Holocaust. Now, the Germans were on the border of Lithuania and Sugihara had no doubt that soon the Germans would attack this small Baltic country. Jews rushed from consulate to consulate—no one, including America, would issue them visas.
Working day and night, Sugihara issued, against his government’s orders, thousands of visas and convinced the Soviets to permit these Jews to travel across Russia to Japan.
A titanic struggle ensued between the pro-American and pro-German factions of the Japanese Foreign Ministry and military. The story examines the conflicted thinking of the Japanese officials, torn between pleasing their German ally by not admitting Jews into Japan and their gratefulness to the Jews for saving Japan in the Russo-Japanese war. The book delves into this little-known but exciting history that resulted in protection of the Jews by the Japanese against the Germans.
“The writing is compelling. The reader gains a sense of the desperation of the Jews, the compassion of Sugihara and Zwartendijk, the determination of the murderers and the indifference of so many. It is a chilling story made all the more real, all the more vivid by Steinhouse’s account.”
Dr Michael Berenbaum, eminent Holocaust scholar and author and former Director of the United States Holocaust Research Institute at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
“My meeting with Chiune Sugihara in Tokyo certainly changed my life. I was in the presence of one of the great humanitarians of history. I am delighted that Sugihara’s conspiracy of kindness can now be read by a wider audience. Sugihara’s exceptional kindness certainly deserves the wider audience that this book will provide, blending scholarship and information to provide an uplifting and profoundly true story of kindness.”
Rabbi Marvin Tokayer, author of The Fugu Plan
“For those of you who read his first book . . . you will not be disappointed when you read “Righteous and Courageous” …His trained mind and intense interest … brings to life for the reader the events and details of this complex piece of history. Steinhouse provides us with a history lesson in a fast-moving colorful style.” Godfrey Levy, Federation Star
“Righteous and Courageous tells a less well known but equally thrilling story …” Philip K. Jason (Professor Emeritus of English from the United States Naval Academy), Naples Sun Times
Excerpts from Righteous and Courageous:
March 1906
Thanks to [Jacob] Schiff’s efforts, the total loans to Japan exceeded the original $300 million. The Japanese rapidly modernized their navy and were able to destroy the Russian fleet at the Battle of Tsushima Strait in May 1905. That stopped Russian advances into China and forced Russia to sue for peace and cede to the Japanese the southern half of Sakhalin Island. Japan hailed Schiff as a hero of the Empire of the Rising Sun.
Seated in a government limousine on its way to the Imperial Palace, the usually stoic Japanese imperial chief of protocol suffered an attack of nerves brought on by the strange American banker sitting beside him, who was about to receive a hitherto unheard of honor for a foreigner, an audience with the emperor. It was to take place at a luncheon at which the Emperor Meiji would bestow the Order of the Rising Sun and the Second Order of the Sacred Treasure on the American.
December 1935
Takahashi smiled. “Ah, then we are of one mind. I have given that matter a great deal of thought. As you know, it is most difficult to persuade Japanese citizens willingly to leave their life in Japan for what they consider the untamed, uncivilized frontier. But I have an idea. Use Jews.”
[Japanese Foreign Minister] Ayukawa blinked. “Jews?”
“Exactly. The Jews are talented in industry, finance and the sciences—just the skills we need in Manchukuo. Thousands of these Jews are fleeing Germany since the enactment of the Nuremberg Laws. Let’s offer them sanctuary in Manchukuo, where we can utilize their creative energy, industrial skills and cultural finesse to benefit Japan.”
Ayukawa shook his head. “I don’t understand. Why do the Germans discard all this talent simply because they are Jews? It doesn’t make sense.”
Takahashi shrugged. “The Germans are irrational brutes and that simply proves my point. What better place for the Jews than Manchukuo? It will make the American and British Jews beholden to us and they will invest in Manchukuo. After all, don’t they control the world’s capital? We have seen how influential Jews like my friend, Jacob Schiff, influenced American policy to be more favorably disposed to Japan. Don’t forget what Schiff accomplished for us during the war with Russia and still later, when he convinced the American Congress to abrogate its treaty with Russia. Schiff died fifteen years ago but I am sure we can again evoke Jewish interest for our benefit.”
August 1, 1940:
Alone again, Sugihara wandered around his office, hands clasped behind his back. He looked out the back window onto the peaceful vista of his small Japanese garden, hoping for some inspiration. He couldn’t bring himself to look at the desperate refugees framed in the front window. The horror stories in Poland haunted him because he knew that without his help, these Jewish refugees would suffer the same fate. The arrival of the Nazis in Lithuania was just a matter of time. Their lives were in his hands. What would happen to his diplomatic career if he issued transit visas against orders and all those Jews showed up at the Japanese border? The consul shook his head, thinking out loud. “It’s my career against their lives. Lord, give me the courage to act.”
August 27, 1940:
Yukiko looked into his sad face and saw the turmoil. Unfolding his arms, she took both his hands in hers. “There is no blame, Chiune-san. You did all you could under the circumstances. To help these people, you’ve defied the Japanese, German and Soviet governments. You should feel good about your bravery, not ashamed. I knew you were a righteous and courageous man when I married you and you have exceeded even those expectations.” She looked into his moist eyes. “I’m very proud of you.”
© Copyright 2004 Carl L. Steinhouse
Available directly from author or online at publisher, AuthorHouse, or at Amazon. Com,and B&N.Com by clicking on the appropriate link.
Order “Righteous and Courageous” directly from the author for $18 (includes shipping and handling) or by sending a check for $18 and your name and address to:
Carl Steinhouse
1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Suite 705
Naples, Florida 34110
Or Contact author at [email protected]
Righteous and Courageous is available on KINDLE and NOOK FOR $9.99!
Yes, those Japanese of Pearl Harbor infamy saved Jews. To understand Japan’s respect for, and the gratitude to the Jews, the author takes us back to the Russo-Japanese War when a Jewish banker, incensed by the pogroms throughout Russia that killed hundreds of Jews, helped the Japanese defeat the Russians in 1905.
The true story of Japanese diplomat Chiune Sugihara who risked life and career to save thousands of Jews in Lithuania from annihilation in 1940 by issuing, against orders, visas that permitted the Jews to escape prior to the German onslaught. Jews were admitted to Japan despite the protests of its German ally.
After the Germans invaded and conquered Poland, tens of thousands of Polish Jews fled to Lithuania to escape the horrors of the Holocaust. Now, the Germans were on the border of Lithuania and Sugihara had no doubt that soon the Germans would attack this small Baltic country. Jews rushed from consulate to consulate—no one, including America, would issue them visas.
Working day and night, Sugihara issued, against his government’s orders, thousands of visas and convinced the Soviets to permit these Jews to travel across Russia to Japan.
A titanic struggle ensued between the pro-American and pro-German factions of the Japanese Foreign Ministry and military. The story examines the conflicted thinking of the Japanese officials, torn between pleasing their German ally by not admitting Jews into Japan and their gratefulness to the Jews for saving Japan in the Russo-Japanese war. The book delves into this little-known but exciting history that resulted in protection of the Jews by the Japanese against the Germans.
“The writing is compelling. The reader gains a sense of the desperation of the Jews, the compassion of Sugihara and Zwartendijk, the determination of the murderers and the indifference of so many. It is a chilling story made all the more real, all the more vivid by Steinhouse’s account.”
Dr Michael Berenbaum, eminent Holocaust scholar and author and former Director of the United States Holocaust Research Institute at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
“My meeting with Chiune Sugihara in Tokyo certainly changed my life. I was in the presence of one of the great humanitarians of history. I am delighted that Sugihara’s conspiracy of kindness can now be read by a wider audience. Sugihara’s exceptional kindness certainly deserves the wider audience that this book will provide, blending scholarship and information to provide an uplifting and profoundly true story of kindness.”
Rabbi Marvin Tokayer, author of The Fugu Plan
“For those of you who read his first book . . . you will not be disappointed when you read “Righteous and Courageous” …His trained mind and intense interest … brings to life for the reader the events and details of this complex piece of history. Steinhouse provides us with a history lesson in a fast-moving colorful style.” Godfrey Levy, Federation Star
“Righteous and Courageous tells a less well known but equally thrilling story …” Philip K. Jason (Professor Emeritus of English from the United States Naval Academy), Naples Sun Times
Excerpts from Righteous and Courageous:
March 1906
Thanks to [Jacob] Schiff’s efforts, the total loans to Japan exceeded the original $300 million. The Japanese rapidly modernized their navy and were able to destroy the Russian fleet at the Battle of Tsushima Strait in May 1905. That stopped Russian advances into China and forced Russia to sue for peace and cede to the Japanese the southern half of Sakhalin Island. Japan hailed Schiff as a hero of the Empire of the Rising Sun.
Seated in a government limousine on its way to the Imperial Palace, the usually stoic Japanese imperial chief of protocol suffered an attack of nerves brought on by the strange American banker sitting beside him, who was about to receive a hitherto unheard of honor for a foreigner, an audience with the emperor. It was to take place at a luncheon at which the Emperor Meiji would bestow the Order of the Rising Sun and the Second Order of the Sacred Treasure on the American.
December 1935
Takahashi smiled. “Ah, then we are of one mind. I have given that matter a great deal of thought. As you know, it is most difficult to persuade Japanese citizens willingly to leave their life in Japan for what they consider the untamed, uncivilized frontier. But I have an idea. Use Jews.”
[Japanese Foreign Minister] Ayukawa blinked. “Jews?”
“Exactly. The Jews are talented in industry, finance and the sciences—just the skills we need in Manchukuo. Thousands of these Jews are fleeing Germany since the enactment of the Nuremberg Laws. Let’s offer them sanctuary in Manchukuo, where we can utilize their creative energy, industrial skills and cultural finesse to benefit Japan.”
Ayukawa shook his head. “I don’t understand. Why do the Germans discard all this talent simply because they are Jews? It doesn’t make sense.”
Takahashi shrugged. “The Germans are irrational brutes and that simply proves my point. What better place for the Jews than Manchukuo? It will make the American and British Jews beholden to us and they will invest in Manchukuo. After all, don’t they control the world’s capital? We have seen how influential Jews like my friend, Jacob Schiff, influenced American policy to be more favorably disposed to Japan. Don’t forget what Schiff accomplished for us during the war with Russia and still later, when he convinced the American Congress to abrogate its treaty with Russia. Schiff died fifteen years ago but I am sure we can again evoke Jewish interest for our benefit.”
August 1, 1940:
Alone again, Sugihara wandered around his office, hands clasped behind his back. He looked out the back window onto the peaceful vista of his small Japanese garden, hoping for some inspiration. He couldn’t bring himself to look at the desperate refugees framed in the front window. The horror stories in Poland haunted him because he knew that without his help, these Jewish refugees would suffer the same fate. The arrival of the Nazis in Lithuania was just a matter of time. Their lives were in his hands. What would happen to his diplomatic career if he issued transit visas against orders and all those Jews showed up at the Japanese border? The consul shook his head, thinking out loud. “It’s my career against their lives. Lord, give me the courage to act.”
August 27, 1940:
Yukiko looked into his sad face and saw the turmoil. Unfolding his arms, she took both his hands in hers. “There is no blame, Chiune-san. You did all you could under the circumstances. To help these people, you’ve defied the Japanese, German and Soviet governments. You should feel good about your bravery, not ashamed. I knew you were a righteous and courageous man when I married you and you have exceeded even those expectations.” She looked into his moist eyes. “I’m very proud of you.”
© Copyright 2004 Carl L. Steinhouse
Available directly from author or online at publisher, AuthorHouse, or at Amazon. Com,and B&N.Com by clicking on the appropriate link.
Order “Righteous and Courageous” directly from the author for $18 (includes shipping and handling) or by sending a check for $18 and your name and address to:
Carl Steinhouse
1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Suite 705
Naples, Florida 34110
Or Contact author at [email protected]
Righteous and Courageous is available on KINDLE and NOOK FOR $9.99!
Carl Steinhouse's WALLENBERG IS HERE!
The true story about how Raoul Wallenberg faced down the Nazi war machine and the infamous Adolph Eichmann and saved the tens of thousands of Budapest Jews
The true story about how Raoul Wallenberg faced down the Nazi war machine and the infamous Adolph Eichmann and saved the tens of thousands of Budapest Jews
Cover: Tammy Hildreth ISBN: 1-4033-4559-7 (paperback) 1-4033-4558-9 (e-book)
In March 1944, SS Colonel Adolph Eichmann, responsible for implementing the Final Solution, arrived in Budapest, Hungary with his SS troops and the German Army with orders exterminate the last remaining Jewish community in Europe, which numbered in the hundreds of thousands, by shipping them to death camps or by simply murdering them in the streets.
Under dubious cover as a diplomat in the neutral Swedish Legation but actually working for the American War Refugee Board (WRB), Swede Raoul Wallenberg, a Gentile from the family of the Wallenberg business empire, left the safety of Sweden for Budapest in July 1944. Wallenberg's mission: stop the Nazi slaughter of Hungarian Jewry. Everyone responsible for arranging Wallenberg's mission knew that one man had no chance of success, but President Roosevelt had to show he was doing something.
Colonel Eichmann dismissed Wallenberg as "just another weak-kneed aristocrat playboy," finding out later how resourceful, brave and skillful the compassionate Wallenberg could be, setting the stage for one of the most dramatic, and seemingly unequal, confrontations of the war. It was the unarmed Wallenberg, assisted by some of his legation colleagues, versus Eichmann, backed by the arms and might of the SS, the Gestapo and several German panzer divisions.
Wallenberg rescued Jews using his knowledge of the Nazi psyche and his artistic and architectural talents, language skills and acting ability. Wallenberg designed an impressive protective passport with official seals, stamps and signatures for "his Jews," one that gave even the feared Gestapo pause. Using his superb mastery of the German language, Wallenberg could imitate the most authoritative Prussian general, a skill he used to face down the SS and Hungarian Nazi officers and soldiers at railway terminals where Jews were loaded onto freight cars, along the route of forced marches of Jews to the death camps, and in the streets and homes of Budapest. Wallenberg plucked Jews from the jaws of certain death and deposited them in his Swedish safe houses. Through the use of bribes and threats of postwar retribution by the Allies, Wallenberg managed to enlist the aid of some of those sworn to carry out the Final Solution. His squad of partisans and Aryan-looking Jews, posing as the SS and Hungarian Arrow Cross police, rescued Jewish children at orphanages, patients at Jewish hospitals and countless other Jews, about to be shot and thrown into the Danube.
Despite several attempts on his life by the Nazis, Wallenberg managed to frustrate the powerful SS and Colonel Adolph Eichmann for seven months until the final confrontation when Eichmann had most of the Jews of Budapest herded into the Central Ghetto and then ordered the German Army to annihilate them, presenting Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat, with his greatest challenge. Amid the thundering artillery of the Soviet Army on the outskirts of Budapest, Wallenberg invited Colonel Eichmann to an elegant dinner to convince him to abandon his plans to massacre all the Jews in the ghetto. Wallenberg used his considerable intellect and debating skills to demonstrate to Eichmann the fallacies of the Nazi myths foisted on the German people by Hitler. Eichmann, however, while conceding the logic of Wallenberg's arguments, refused to cancel his murderous plans, leading to Wallenberg's breathtakingly audacious and climactic face-off with the German Army commander, General Schmidthuber. This historical novel about the Holocaust (Shoah), based on the Steinhouse's years of travels, exhaustive research and exclusive interviews, sets out in vivid detail the triumphs of the courageous Swede and the subsequent tragedy of his disappearance after incarceration by the Soviets. Steinhouse, who lost relatives in Minsk during the Holocaust, wants his readers not merely to read about history, but to live the experiences and emotions of the victims and survivors, the elation of the successes and the agony of the failures of the Righteous Gentile, Wallenberg, in his rescue missions and the varying motives, states of mind and reactions of Colonel Eichmann and the German and Hungarian Nazis (the Arrow Cross) in attempting to carry out the “Final Solution,” the extermination of the Jews of Hungary.
Excerpt from Wallenberg is Here!:
Mr. Wallenberg, you must come immediately. The Arrow Cross Nazi bandits have uncovered the bunker hiding the twenty children. They are threatening to march them to the Danube and shoot them!” the aide cried.
Minutes later, Langfelder swerved the Studebaker through the rubble-strewn Budapest streets. Wallenberg held on for dear life, sure that Langfelder would get him killed ahead of the Jews he was striving to protect.
The safe house sheltering the children had been badly damaged by an Allied bombing raid. Part of it had collapsed into the basement where they huddled. Fortunately, none of the children had been killed, but Wallenberg immediately had been faced with finding another hiding place for them. Roving bands of Arrow Cross Nazis, without second thoughts, shot any Jewish children they encountered. A Wallenberg aide had found a bunker well hidden from the street. It seemed as secure a place as they could find on short notice. But somehow—perhaps from a snooping or nosy neighbor—the Arrow Cross had discovered the children. If he didn’t get to them in time…. He shuddered at the thought.
The Studebaker pulled up to the curb just as a group of armed Arrow Cross [Hungary’s Nyilas Nazi Party militia] ruffians were prodding and shoving children out of the bunker with their rifle barrels. They lined the children up against a brick wall with all-too clear intentions.
Interposing himself between the children and the hastily formed firing squad, Wallenberg thundered, “I am a Swedish diplomat” and waved his diplomatic passport at them. “These children are under the protection of the Swedish nation. How dare you ignore the Swedish flag displayed in the bunker? Are you blind?”
An armed Nazi snarled, “This is none of your business. These are Hungarian Jews. Now, get out of the way.”
Wallenberg did not budge. “You forgot to add one thing—these Hungarian Jews are children. Have you lost all sense of decency?”
While he talked, Wallenberg, behind his back, signaled with his hands. The children understood immediately and started slowly moving behind him. “Before God, if you want to kill these innocent children, you will have to shoot me first!”
Seeing doubt flicker in the Arrow Cross Nazis’ eyes, he pressed on. “Look around you. See all the witnesses? I doubt that you’ll survive the wrath of the prime minister for the cold-blooded murder of a diplomat of one of the few countries still friendly to Hungary.”
One fellow lowered his rifle and started arguing with the others. Soon the entire group was engaged in an animated debate for two long minutes. Suddenly, without a word, the squad dispersed and disappeared down the street
Wallenberg felt his knees buckle. I can’t take much more of this, he thought. Recovering, he ordered all twenty children into the Studebaker, a car designed for five, maybe six, people. He gave Langfelder the address of another safe house and told him, “Take the children there, I will walk back to the office.”
“But the streets are too dangerous,” Langfelder protested.
“So what do you suggest? I leave a few of the children here, unprotected? I don’t think so. Besides, after facing down a firing squad, the street seems a relatively safe place.”
Langfelder relented. “I will look for you after I drop off the children.”
Wallenberg started walking as the heavily loaded Studebaker pulled away, bottoming on its springs.
"Your treatment of both Wallenberg and Eichmann is unquestionably among the most insightful and gripping portraits to date…. The reader is led behind the scenes and made privy to personal or highly classified information…. Your fascinating tale gives us valuable information on how the impossible became history."
Abraham H. Foxman, National Director, Anti-Defamation League
"I have just finished reading with deep appreciation and increasing admiration your historical novel…. Throughout the work, I gained a keen sense of what it is like to be there, and how it felt. I was riveted to the book…. You negotiated a difficult subject, a complex character, and the most anguished of conditions without losing your way or without losing your readers. Well done indeed."
Dr. Michael Berenbaum, Noted Holocaust scholar and author
"A carefully researched historical novel that combines fascination with a powerful message."
Honorable Paul Simon, Late and Former United States Senator from Illinois
“Carl Steinhouse’s new book, ‘Wallenberg is Here!’, tells a fascinating, true story about a ‘lost hero.’”
Lydia Ochsner, Historical Fiction Review
“‘Wallenberg is Here’ has all the excitement, pace, anticipation, intrigue and ambiance of one of those wartime spy novels or movies…. ‘Wallenberg is Here’ is a valuable addition to the Holocaust and historical literature. Carl Steinhouse puts the reader right there, bringing to life this tragic period of history. This book should, and I think will, become must-reading for students and all those who seek a greater understanding of both man’s inhumanity and opposing acts of humanity, bravery and heroism.”
Godfrey Levy, President, Southwest Florida Holocaust Museum
“Steinhouse skillfully traces the origin of the Holocaust …. The most thrilling, hopeful part of the book is Wallenberg’s heroic efforts to save Hungarian Jews, which included throwing himself in front of a Nazi firing squad intent on slaughtering children, and meeting Eichmann for dinner and debate….Steinhouse weaves the results of thorough research into a highly readable narrative involving an historically significant topic.” NAPLES DAILY NEWS
© Copyright 2002 Carl L. Steinhouse
Order “Wallenberg is Here!” directly from the author for $18 (includes shipping and handling) or by sending a check for$18 and your name and address to:
Carl Steinhouse
1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Suite 705
Naples, Florida 34110
Or Contact author at [email protected]
Or order online from AUTHORHOUSE, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble
“Wallenberg is Here! available on KINDLE or NOOK for 9.99! Click on link.
Under dubious cover as a diplomat in the neutral Swedish Legation but actually working for the American War Refugee Board (WRB), Swede Raoul Wallenberg, a Gentile from the family of the Wallenberg business empire, left the safety of Sweden for Budapest in July 1944. Wallenberg's mission: stop the Nazi slaughter of Hungarian Jewry. Everyone responsible for arranging Wallenberg's mission knew that one man had no chance of success, but President Roosevelt had to show he was doing something.
Colonel Eichmann dismissed Wallenberg as "just another weak-kneed aristocrat playboy," finding out later how resourceful, brave and skillful the compassionate Wallenberg could be, setting the stage for one of the most dramatic, and seemingly unequal, confrontations of the war. It was the unarmed Wallenberg, assisted by some of his legation colleagues, versus Eichmann, backed by the arms and might of the SS, the Gestapo and several German panzer divisions.
Wallenberg rescued Jews using his knowledge of the Nazi psyche and his artistic and architectural talents, language skills and acting ability. Wallenberg designed an impressive protective passport with official seals, stamps and signatures for "his Jews," one that gave even the feared Gestapo pause. Using his superb mastery of the German language, Wallenberg could imitate the most authoritative Prussian general, a skill he used to face down the SS and Hungarian Nazi officers and soldiers at railway terminals where Jews were loaded onto freight cars, along the route of forced marches of Jews to the death camps, and in the streets and homes of Budapest. Wallenberg plucked Jews from the jaws of certain death and deposited them in his Swedish safe houses. Through the use of bribes and threats of postwar retribution by the Allies, Wallenberg managed to enlist the aid of some of those sworn to carry out the Final Solution. His squad of partisans and Aryan-looking Jews, posing as the SS and Hungarian Arrow Cross police, rescued Jewish children at orphanages, patients at Jewish hospitals and countless other Jews, about to be shot and thrown into the Danube.
Despite several attempts on his life by the Nazis, Wallenberg managed to frustrate the powerful SS and Colonel Adolph Eichmann for seven months until the final confrontation when Eichmann had most of the Jews of Budapest herded into the Central Ghetto and then ordered the German Army to annihilate them, presenting Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat, with his greatest challenge. Amid the thundering artillery of the Soviet Army on the outskirts of Budapest, Wallenberg invited Colonel Eichmann to an elegant dinner to convince him to abandon his plans to massacre all the Jews in the ghetto. Wallenberg used his considerable intellect and debating skills to demonstrate to Eichmann the fallacies of the Nazi myths foisted on the German people by Hitler. Eichmann, however, while conceding the logic of Wallenberg's arguments, refused to cancel his murderous plans, leading to Wallenberg's breathtakingly audacious and climactic face-off with the German Army commander, General Schmidthuber. This historical novel about the Holocaust (Shoah), based on the Steinhouse's years of travels, exhaustive research and exclusive interviews, sets out in vivid detail the triumphs of the courageous Swede and the subsequent tragedy of his disappearance after incarceration by the Soviets. Steinhouse, who lost relatives in Minsk during the Holocaust, wants his readers not merely to read about history, but to live the experiences and emotions of the victims and survivors, the elation of the successes and the agony of the failures of the Righteous Gentile, Wallenberg, in his rescue missions and the varying motives, states of mind and reactions of Colonel Eichmann and the German and Hungarian Nazis (the Arrow Cross) in attempting to carry out the “Final Solution,” the extermination of the Jews of Hungary.
Excerpt from Wallenberg is Here!:
Mr. Wallenberg, you must come immediately. The Arrow Cross Nazi bandits have uncovered the bunker hiding the twenty children. They are threatening to march them to the Danube and shoot them!” the aide cried.
Minutes later, Langfelder swerved the Studebaker through the rubble-strewn Budapest streets. Wallenberg held on for dear life, sure that Langfelder would get him killed ahead of the Jews he was striving to protect.
The safe house sheltering the children had been badly damaged by an Allied bombing raid. Part of it had collapsed into the basement where they huddled. Fortunately, none of the children had been killed, but Wallenberg immediately had been faced with finding another hiding place for them. Roving bands of Arrow Cross Nazis, without second thoughts, shot any Jewish children they encountered. A Wallenberg aide had found a bunker well hidden from the street. It seemed as secure a place as they could find on short notice. But somehow—perhaps from a snooping or nosy neighbor—the Arrow Cross had discovered the children. If he didn’t get to them in time…. He shuddered at the thought.
The Studebaker pulled up to the curb just as a group of armed Arrow Cross [Hungary’s Nyilas Nazi Party militia] ruffians were prodding and shoving children out of the bunker with their rifle barrels. They lined the children up against a brick wall with all-too clear intentions.
Interposing himself between the children and the hastily formed firing squad, Wallenberg thundered, “I am a Swedish diplomat” and waved his diplomatic passport at them. “These children are under the protection of the Swedish nation. How dare you ignore the Swedish flag displayed in the bunker? Are you blind?”
An armed Nazi snarled, “This is none of your business. These are Hungarian Jews. Now, get out of the way.”
Wallenberg did not budge. “You forgot to add one thing—these Hungarian Jews are children. Have you lost all sense of decency?”
While he talked, Wallenberg, behind his back, signaled with his hands. The children understood immediately and started slowly moving behind him. “Before God, if you want to kill these innocent children, you will have to shoot me first!”
Seeing doubt flicker in the Arrow Cross Nazis’ eyes, he pressed on. “Look around you. See all the witnesses? I doubt that you’ll survive the wrath of the prime minister for the cold-blooded murder of a diplomat of one of the few countries still friendly to Hungary.”
One fellow lowered his rifle and started arguing with the others. Soon the entire group was engaged in an animated debate for two long minutes. Suddenly, without a word, the squad dispersed and disappeared down the street
Wallenberg felt his knees buckle. I can’t take much more of this, he thought. Recovering, he ordered all twenty children into the Studebaker, a car designed for five, maybe six, people. He gave Langfelder the address of another safe house and told him, “Take the children there, I will walk back to the office.”
“But the streets are too dangerous,” Langfelder protested.
“So what do you suggest? I leave a few of the children here, unprotected? I don’t think so. Besides, after facing down a firing squad, the street seems a relatively safe place.”
Langfelder relented. “I will look for you after I drop off the children.”
Wallenberg started walking as the heavily loaded Studebaker pulled away, bottoming on its springs.
"Your treatment of both Wallenberg and Eichmann is unquestionably among the most insightful and gripping portraits to date…. The reader is led behind the scenes and made privy to personal or highly classified information…. Your fascinating tale gives us valuable information on how the impossible became history."
Abraham H. Foxman, National Director, Anti-Defamation League
"I have just finished reading with deep appreciation and increasing admiration your historical novel…. Throughout the work, I gained a keen sense of what it is like to be there, and how it felt. I was riveted to the book…. You negotiated a difficult subject, a complex character, and the most anguished of conditions without losing your way or without losing your readers. Well done indeed."
Dr. Michael Berenbaum, Noted Holocaust scholar and author
"A carefully researched historical novel that combines fascination with a powerful message."
Honorable Paul Simon, Late and Former United States Senator from Illinois
“Carl Steinhouse’s new book, ‘Wallenberg is Here!’, tells a fascinating, true story about a ‘lost hero.’”
Lydia Ochsner, Historical Fiction Review
“‘Wallenberg is Here’ has all the excitement, pace, anticipation, intrigue and ambiance of one of those wartime spy novels or movies…. ‘Wallenberg is Here’ is a valuable addition to the Holocaust and historical literature. Carl Steinhouse puts the reader right there, bringing to life this tragic period of history. This book should, and I think will, become must-reading for students and all those who seek a greater understanding of both man’s inhumanity and opposing acts of humanity, bravery and heroism.”
Godfrey Levy, President, Southwest Florida Holocaust Museum
“Steinhouse skillfully traces the origin of the Holocaust …. The most thrilling, hopeful part of the book is Wallenberg’s heroic efforts to save Hungarian Jews, which included throwing himself in front of a Nazi firing squad intent on slaughtering children, and meeting Eichmann for dinner and debate….Steinhouse weaves the results of thorough research into a highly readable narrative involving an historically significant topic.” NAPLES DAILY NEWS
© Copyright 2002 Carl L. Steinhouse
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Carl Steinhouse
1001 Arbor Lake Drive, Suite 705
Naples, Florida 34110
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“Wallenberg is Here! available on KINDLE or NOOK for 9.99! Click on link.